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Neolithic road found off the coast of Croatia

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

Archaeologists from the University of Zadar in Croatia have discovered the remains of a Neolithic road near the island of Korcula in the Adriatic Sea. Five metres below the surface, in deposits of sediment, the road is evidence of the trade of the time.

An archaeologist is diving near the remains of a neolithic road off the coast of Croatia
Archaeologists found a neolithic road near the island of Korcula

Specialists from the University of Zadar detail that the road is made of stone blocks and dates from the 8th millennium BC. In the archaeological site of Soline, they also found organic material from 4900 BC, as well as swords and an axe made of stone and fragments of a millstone, all associated with the Hvar culture.

Several thousand years ago, Korcula was an integral part of the mainland, like the rest of the Adriatic archipelago. However, the rising waters caused by the end of the Ice Age, 12,000 years ago, submerged several areas and created the archipelago as we know it today. As a result, several archaeologists have been studying the sites buried in the archipelago's ancient valleys in order to better understand the people who lived there before the waters rose. In 2021, archaeologist Mate Parica discovered the Neolithic site of Soline, off the island of Korcula.

The site of Soline is associated, by researchers, with the Hvar or Hvar-Lisičići culture. Present in the Neolithic period, the Hvar people are thought to have inhabited the eastern Adriatic coast, near the eponymous island, from 3500 to 2500 BC. The Hvar culture is said to have evolved from the Danil culture and is characterised by dark ceramic decorations with complex spirals and coloured engravings. In the Hvar-Lisičići culture, there are many patterns around the moon, the sun and everyday scenes (hunting, humans, animals, houses, trees, the dead, etc).


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